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NestJS setMetadata not working from authGuard

I have a few decorators that when called, I want to setMetadata to use it in my logging, In my controller, I have these:

  async getSubscriptionFromPwebFormFilter(
    @Body(ValidationPipe) someDto: someDtoType
  ): Promise<ISuccessResponse> {
    // some logic

In my decorators I want to set some data into the metadata to use in my logging inteceptor,

Grafana decorator:

  export const Grafana = (functionalMap: string, endpoint: string) =>
      SetMetadata("endpoint", endpoint),
      SetMetadata("functionalMap", functionalMap)

AuthGuard decorator:

  export class JwtAuthGuard extends AuthGuard("jwt") {
      private readonly reflector: Reflector,
      private readonly someService: SomeService
    ) {

    public async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
      const role = this.reflector.get<string>("permission", context.getHandler());
      const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
      const { valueToLog } = request.body;
      const jwtToken = request.headers.authorization;

      console.log("check value exist", valueToLog);
      SetMetadata("valueToLog", valueToLog);

Now, in my logging interceptor, I am getting all the values of the metadata this way:

    export default class LoggingInterceptor {
      constructor(private readonly reflector: Reflector) {}

      intercept(context: ExecutionContext, next: CallHandler) {
        const executionStart = Date.now();

        return next.handle().pipe(
          tap((responseData) => {
            const response = context.switchToHttp().getResponse<ServerResponse>();
            const { statusCode } = response;
            const valueToLog = this.reflector.get(
            ); // this is undefined
            const endpoint = this.reflector.get("endpoint", context.getHandler()); // this have value
            const functionalMap = this.reflector.get(
            ); // this have value
            // some logic

In my case, the value of endpoint and functionalMap can be retrieved from the reflector, however, valueToLog is appearing as undefined,

Is setting of metadata not working for auth guard decorator?

I will be using the term "Decorator" in this explanation so I will first define it.

Decorators are functions that accept information about the decorated declaration.


function ClassDecorator(target: typeof DecoratedClass) {
  // do stuff

// it can then be used like this
class DecoratedClass {}

when calling @SetMetadata(key, value) it returns a decorator. Functions like SetMetadata are referred to as Decorator Factories .

Decorators use the form @expression, where expression must evaluate to a function that will be called at runtime with information about the decorated declaration.

In your example you called SetMetadata("valueToLog", valueToLog) . This returns a decorator. Decorators must be called with information about the decorated declaration. To actually attach the metadata you can do something like this:

SetMetadata("valueToLog", valueToLog)(context.getHandler());

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