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Clear all variables and restart VPython

I'm making a simulation about two springs and one mass. I've made it through VPython using some graphics elements. I used the slider function from Vpython to change the variables of radius and mass of the ball in real time. What I want now is create a button that clear all variables and restart the program so I dont have to run it again from console. How can I make that?

This is how it looks

This is the main loop that affects the variables:

while t < 100:
    ball.velocity = ball.velocity + acc() * dt
    ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.velocity  * dt
    spring_right.axis = ball.pos - wall_right.pos
    spring_left.axis = ball.pos - wall_left.pos
    t = t + dt

Complete code here

Create a button widget, binding it to a function that resets all the important variables that are used in the loop. That function can reset the attributes of the ball object, because "ball" is a "global" variable, but if you also need to reset an ordinary variable named "z", you need to specify "global z" in the function bound to the button.

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