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Quarkus unit-testing and properties

I have a basic question about Quarkus testing, I would like to execute the command ./mvnw clean test but I need to use a token to init the application.

I have configured application-test.properties file to store the token:


So, in my code I was expecting to be able to retrieve the value of the discord.token property:

@ConfigProperty(name = "discord.token")
private String token;

Is it possible? if not, how can I do this?


The dev profile is used by dev mode ( ./mvnw quarkus:dev ). If you want to define a property for your tests, you need to use the test profile.

You can do that either with a suffixed file as you did (but with the -test suffix ie application-test.properties ) or use %test. in front of your properties ( %test.discord.token=XYZ ) in the regular application.properties .

See https://quarkus.io/guides/config-reference#profiles for more information.

You can instead put your application.properties file in src/test/resources instead of application-test.properties in src/main/resources

You can also use mvn -Dquarkus.config.locations=/tmp/foo.properties test

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