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How to select the row with the max column from another subquery in Oracle

Basically I'm trying to find the max of a count outcome. Here's an example:

Desired output: the name of the employees with the highest number of jobs and the number of jobs done.

My tables (bold means primary key, * means foreign key):

  • Employees ( Id , employee_name,....)

  • Sites ( Site_id , Site_name,....)

  • Jobs ( Site_id *, Id *, DateJ)

Here are 2 things I tried:

Query #1:

    max(jobs_done) max_jobs
    Employees E,
         count(*) jobs_done from jobs
     from jobs
     group by id) t
    E.id = t.Id
group by 

This returns the max jobs of each employee which is pointless as the subquery already does that, and it's not the desired outcome.

Query #2:

    Employees E
         count(*) job_done
     from Jobs
     group by id) t
    E.id = t.id
order by 
    jobs_done desc
fetch first row only;

This kinda works in my situation, but doesn't account to multiple employees having the same max.

is there a simple way to solve this, obviously without changing the DB layout and preferably using only subqueries (I'm still a beginner)?

First of all, looks like you need to aggregate by Employee.ID , instead of Employee_name , since jobs are linked by ID, not employee_name . So it's better to push aggregating and Top-N into the subquery to Jobs . Though Oracle has a special query transformation mechanism Group-By Pushdown (and even a special hint gby_pushdown ), it's better to make own queries clearer and more predictable and do not rely on CBO (Oracle Optimizer) magic. Secondly, I would suggest to use ANSI join syntax at least for beginners, since it's a bit more clear.

So it should look like this:

         count(*) jobs_done
     from Jobs
     group by id
     order by jobs_done desc
     fetch first 1 row with ties
    ) j
    join Employees e
        on e.id = j.id

As you can see j subquery aggregates jobs by employee.id and gets only top 1 with ties , then we just join Employee to get Employee_name

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