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Why am I getting warning that a non-nullable field must be initialised (When I'm sure I'm initialising it)?

I have:

public abstract class Craft
    public Craft()
        CurrentQuadrant = new Point(0, 0);

    private Point _currentQuadrant;
    public Point CurrentQuadrant
        get => _currentQuadrant;
            _currentQuadrant = value;

(Point is a simple xy pair).

Why would that be giving me the warning that Non-nullable field '_currentQuadrant' must contain a non-null value when exiting the constructor ? Doesn't the assignment make sure it's non-null?

Too little reputation to comment, so I'll post it here.

If you're using .NET 5+, you can use the [MemberNotNull] attribute (more info here ).

Just put [MemberNotNull(nameof(_currentQuadrant)] on your constructor and the warning will disappear.

Or you could just assign the value to _currentQuadrant instead of CurrentQuadrant .

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