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Opening a rowset for "Sheet1$" failed. Check that the object exists in the database

Hopefully this is a minor issue someone already knows the answer to, but I'm truly baffled as to what could be causing this problem. I tried researching this error message already, but the info I found did not seem to help at all. Maybe I'm just not an efficient Googler:) An image has been attached as well.

I am attempting to create a SSIS Package in SQL Server Management Studio. The package simply imports data from an Excel File on a corporate shared drive and into a database table. Upon completion of the SSIS package, I select to "Run Package Immediately" and to save the package. The SSIS package runs & saves successfully; all employee records are inserted into the table (That's GREAT.), Now. here is where the issue comes into play. I want to execute that SSIS package as part of a job, But, when running the job and attempting to execute the SSIS package: I am receiving the following error message:

Opening a rowset for "Sheet1$" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
...returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Why does the SSIS package work/run successfully when it's first created, but then proceeds to fail when it's being executed from a job?

Thank you. enter image description here



Editing this post since it's too long to add in the comment section, but, I don't believe this is an account/access problem - only for one small reason. Let me share some more info and maybe it will maybe lead us down another the avenue. But we technically have two Excel Spreadsheets & SSIS packages which do the same thing. The Excel files are different sets of data, but they're stored in the same corporate network drive/folder and both get uploaded to the same database (different tables however). Excel File 'A' is not experiencing this problem, but Excel File 'B' is. And both of the jobs are setup to run using the same account. Also, one other small/side note - if I perform a "Save As" on Excel File 'A' and recreate the SSIS package/job, then that new file (Excel file 'C') will experience the same issue we're facing as Excel File 'B'. So, why would the job work on an 'original file' but then proceeds to fail once I perform a "save as" and try it on the new file?

Have you checked if File 'A' is an old Excel-file with.xls and File 'B'/ 'C' is a new Excel-file with.xlsx?

I've found this: http://www.alankoo.com/2012/09/strange-error-loading-excel-files-xlsx.html

Or is it maybe like Error in SSIS loading form Excel (2007) - Error: Opening a rowset for "Sheet1$" failed & VS_ISBROKEN

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