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How can i add a collection to a document in firestore coding?

Hi there i have an app where when the user sign up i create a collection in my db with firestore using this fn.

const createUser = async ( collection , data ) => {
    //adding data to a collection with automatic id
    await setDoc( 
      doc( firestore, collection, data.id) , data )
    //console.log( ref.id )

So when the user signup i create a collection with an auto generated id by doing this:

const SignupHandler = ( email, password, username ) => {
    createUserWithEmailAndPassword( FBauth, email, password )
    .then( ( userCredential ) => { 
      createUser('users', {id: userCredential.user.uid, email:userCredential.user.email, displayName:username})
      setAuth( true )
    } )
    .catch( (error) => { setSignupError(error.code) })

Now i want to create a document inside the user call "tasks" and add an auto id, a name and a date. How do i do tha, i have looiking around and cant find the solution The structure of the db would be Collection users-document user(userid name and mail)-collection "tasks"-task document(id name and date) thanks!!!!

A collection is created automatically when you add the first document to it.

If you want to specify the document ID, then you'll need to do this,

db.collection('users').doc(user).collection(‘tasks’).doc(task).set({ id : this.id, name : this.name, date : this.date})

If you want to let Cloud Firestore auto-generate an ID for you. You can do this by calling add():

db.collection('users').doc(user).collection(‘tasks’).add({id: this.id, name: this.name, date: this.date })

This page details how toAdd data to Cloud Firestore

You can also make REST API calls to create a path to a document with the ID in the collection under the project YOUR_PROJECT_ID. For that you would use the following structure:


To interact with this path, combine it with the base API URL for creating a path to a document with ID LA and collection name 'cities' https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/YOUR_PROJECT_ID/databases/(default)/documents/cities/LA

For creating Firestore nested collections, you can also use HTTP POST requests like mentioned in this documentation . To understand the process in detail on how we can add collections and documents by specifying path parameters parent and collectionID follow this thread .

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