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how to implicitly convert a foo<const bar> into a const foo<bar> in C++ template?

sorry for the question being vague I don't know how to properly phrase it

I'm making my own vector container and I'm trying to implement an iterator that works like the real one, using the C++98 standard

This is homework so I don't want the answer just a hint as to where I should look and what I should learn to be able to tackle this problem

So bacically I'm trying to make this code work

ft::vector<int> v (100, 100);
ft::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin();
ft::vector<int>::const_iterator cit = it;

std::cout << (cit == it) << std::endl; //comparison 1 /// works
std::cout << (it == cit) << std::endl; //comparison 2 /// doesn't compile
std::cout << (cit + 1 == it + 1) << std::endl; //doesn't work
std::cout << (it + 1 == cit + 1) << std::endl; //doesn't work

iterator and const_iterator are typedefs like this:

        typedef typename    ft::iterator_vector<value_type>                             iterator;
        typedef typename    ft::iterator_vector<const value_type>                       const_iterator;

And value type being the type passed to the vector template

the first comparison didn't work until I added a user-defined conversion operator in my iterator template to convert iterator<const foo> into iterator<foo> which is operator iterator_vector<const value_type>() const { return _p; }operator iterator_vector<const value_type>() const { return _p; } but the compiler says that I need now to be able to convert a iterator<const foo> into a const iterator<foo> and I have no idea how to proceed

This is the implementation of my iterator

    class iterator_vector : public ft::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T> {


        typedef             ft::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T>    iterator;
        typedef             ft::iterator_traits<iterator>                   iterator_traits;
        typedef typename    iterator_traits::difference_type                difference_type;
        typedef typename    iterator_traits::value_type                     value_type;
        typedef typename    iterator_traits::pointer                        pointer;
        typedef typename    iterator_traits::reference                      reference;
        typedef typename    iterator_traits::iterator_category              iterator_category;

        ** Member functions

        iterator_vector(pointer p = 0) : _p(p) {}
        ~iterator_vector(void) {}

        operator iterator_vector<const value_type>() const { return _p; }

        iterator_vector& operator++() { ++_p; return *this; }
        iterator_vector operator++(int)
            iterator_vector r = *this;
            return r;
        iterator_vector& operator--() { --_p; return *this; }
        iterator_vector operator--(int)
            iterator_vector r = *this;
            return r;
        iterator_vector operator+(size_t n) const { return iterator_vector(_p + n); }
        iterator_vector operator-(size_t n) const { return iterator_vector(_p - n); }
        iterator_vector& operator+=(size_t n) { _p += n; return *this; }
        iterator_vector& operator-=(size_t n) { _p -= n; return *this; }
        difference_type operator+(iterator_vector rhs) const { return _p + rhs._p; }
        difference_type operator-(iterator_vector rhs) const { return _p - rhs._p; }
        reference operator*(void) const { return *_p; }
        pointer operator->() const { return _p; }
        reference operator[](size_t n) const { return _p[n]; }
        bool operator==(const iterator_vector& rhs) const { return _p == rhs._p; }
        bool operator!=(const iterator_vector& rhs) const { return _p != rhs._p; }
        bool operator<(const iterator_vector& rhs) const { return _p > rhs._p; }
        bool operator>(const iterator_vector& rhs) const { return _p < rhs._p; }
        bool operator<=(const iterator_vector& rhs) const { return _p <= rhs._p; }
        bool operator>=(const iterator_vector& rhs) const { return _p >= rhs._p; }

        ** Non-member functions

        friend iterator_vector operator+(size_t n, const iterator_vector& rhs) { return iterator_vector(rhs._p + n); }
        friend iterator_vector operator-(size_t n, const iterator_vector& rhs) { return iterator_vector(rhs._p - n); }


        pointer _p;


It seems from your comments in your code about what is failing that you are missing a comparison function for when iterator is to the left and the const_iterator is to the right. You could make this a free function:

template<typename T>
bool operator==(const iterator_vector<T>& lhs, const iterator_vector<const T>& rhs) {
    // just swap the order here and the implicit conversion from `iterator`
    // to `const_iterator` from `lhs` solves the rest:
    return rhs == lhs;

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