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How to read .mdb access database file in python?

I need to read the.mdb file in python which is in azure blob storage and export dataframe as as csv, I am able to read the csv but i am not able to read the.mdb file. Is there any other method to do so, Please feel free to give suggestion other than python.

What i tried:

from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService
import pandas as pd
import tables

STORAGEACCOUNTNAME= <storage_account_name>
STORAGEACCOUNTKEY= <storage_account_key>
LOCALFILENAME= <local_file_name>
CONTAINERNAME= <container_name>
BLOBNAME= <blob_name>


# LOCALFILE is the file path
dataframe_blobdata = pd.read_csv(test.mdb)

To read.mdb files from database it requires third party application called pyodbc and below is the sample code for reading.mdb files from python.

import csv
import pyodbc

MDB = 'c:/path/to/my.mdb'
DRV = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}'
PWD = 'mypassword'

conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER=%s;DBQ=%s;PWD=%s' % (DRV,MDB,PWD))
curs = conn.cursor()

SQL = 'SELECT * FROM mytable;' # insert your query here

rows = curs.fetchall()


# you could change the 'w' to 'a' for subsequent queries
csv_writer = csv.writer(open('mytable.csv', 'w'), lineterminator='\n')

for row in rows:

For further information find the related SO1 SO2

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