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How to find and delete resized Wordpress images if the original image was already deleted?

This question pertains to the situation where

  1. An image was uploaded, say mypicture.jpg
  2. Wordpress created multiple copies of it with different resolutions like mypicture-300x500.jpg and mypicture-600x1000.jpg
  3. You delete the original image only

In this scenario, the remaining photos on the filesystem are mypicture-300x500.jpg and mypicture-600x1000.jpg .

How can you script this to find these "dangling" images with the missing original and delete the "dangling" images.

I've written a Bash script that will attempt to find the original filename (ie mypicture.jpg ) based on scraping away the WordPress resolution (ie mypicture-300x500.jpg ), and if it's not found, delete the "dangling image" (ie rm -f mypicture-300x500.jpg )


for directory in $(find . -type d)
        for image in $(ls $directory)
                echo "The current filename is $image"
                resolution=$(echo $image | rev | cut -f 1 -d "-" | rev | xargs)
                echo "The resolution is $resolution"
                extension=$(echo $resolution | rev| cut -f 1 -d "." | rev | xargs)
                echo "The extension is $extension"
                resolutiononly=$(echo $resolution | sed "s@.$extension@@g")
                echo "The resolution only is $resolutiononly"
                if [[ $resolutiononly =~ $pattern ]]; then
                        echo "The pattern matches"
                        originalfilename=$(echo $image | sed "s@-$resolution@.$extension@g")
                        echo "The current filename is $image"
                        echo "The original filename is $originalfilename"
                        if [[ -f "$originalfilename" ]]; then
                                echo "The file exists $originalfilename"
                                rm -f $directory/$image

You could use find :

$ find . -type f -regex '.*/mypicture-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg'

This will print a list of files. Check that it is correct and then, instead of printing the names of the files, tell find to delete them:

$ find . -type f -regex '.*/mypicture-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.jpg' -exec rm -f {} \;

See man find for the explanation.

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