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Copy Data from multiple excel files to existing file on specific sheet

I would like to copy the data from multiple excel files and paste it existing excel file.

import os
import openpyxl
import pandas as pd

my_path = r'C://Users//greencolor//Autoreport//Load_attachments//' # Updating every monday with new files
my_path1 =r'C://Users//greencolor//Desktop//Autoreport//' # place of Master.xlsx 
for filename in os.listdir(my_path): #loop though the downloaded files 
    if filename.startswith('PB orders Dec'): #finds the file with the name PB orders December.xlsb
        dec = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(my_path, filename), 
                                         sheet_name='Raw data ', 
                                         engine='pyxlsb') #reading the specific sheet named Raw data
        with pd.ExcelWriter(my_path1 + '//Maaster.xlsx', mode='a', engine=openpyxl) as writer:
            dec.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='DecData', index=False) #copyes the data from PB orders December.xlsb and paste it in Master file on sheet Decdata without deleting other sheets. Basically updating all data with new data.

My problem is that I would like to do the same above mentioned operation on multiple files. For example, if in the Load_attachments is the file named PB orders November.xlsb I want to apply the same code to that November file and so on what ever month name file has.

You can put the entire thing (minus imports) in a for loop and feed it with an array of filename beginnings:

import os
import openpyxl
import pandas as pd

fnamebegin_array = ['PB orders Jan','PB orders Feb','PB orders Mar','etc']
sheetname_array = ['JanData','FebData','MarData','etc']

for i in range(len(fnamebegin_array)): # would be 12, if there is data for each month in a year
    my_path = r'C://Users//greencolor//Autoreport//Load_attachments//'
    my_path1 =r'C://Users//greencolor//Desktop//Autoreport//'
    for filename in os.listdir(my_path):
        if filename.startswith(fnamebegin_array[i]):
            month = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(my_path, filename), 
                                         sheet_name='Raw data ', 
            with pd.ExcelWriter(my_path1 + '//Master.xlsx', mode='a', engine=openpyxl) as writer:
                month.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetname_array[i], index=False)

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