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spring-configuration-metadata.json is not generated properly for multi-module project

I've created multi-module project:

  • (pom) root
    • (jar) libModule
    • (jar) appModule , has libModule in dependencies

appModule pom has dependency:


also it contains own @ConfigurationProperties class:

    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "service.test")
    public class Conf {
        String prop;

compiling this module produces next correct spring-configuration-metadata.json file:

  "groups": [
      "name": "service.test",
      "type": "org.test.app.Conf",
      "sourceType": "org.test.app.Conf"
  "properties": [
      "name": "service.test.prop",
      "type": "java.lang.String",
      "sourceType": "org.test.app.Conf"
  "hints": []

and my Idea IDE successfully highlight me this properties in application.yml

but also i have additional @ConfigurationProperties class in my libModule :

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "service.a")
public class ServiceAProperties {
    String url;

i tried to include this class into appModule with next code:

@ConfigurationPropertiesScan(basePackageClasses = {
public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(ConfigServerApplication.class, args);

and tried different ways to include it to json but it doesn't appear there. only own module Conf class is used

how can i include configuration properties from other module to generate proper json including both modules' properties

if some additional info is needed please ask

Ok. Answer to my question is - i have to generate json for libModule separately. works as it should work this way

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