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How to improve spacing in a document when adding data in key value pair using google docs API and python

How should I modify my request payload to add data as key value pair in a google docx using google docs API in python.

When I use the following payload, the alignment gets ruined.

requests = [{
      "text":"\nName of the Organization\t\t\t\tStackOverflow\nIndustry\t\t\t\tSo

Output: 在此处输入图像描述

How can I align it properly so that the output is something like

Name Of the Organization        StackOverflow
Industry                        Software
Business_Id                     123

or can we put this in a table without showing the table borders?

In your situation, I would like to propose using a table for achieving your goal. When Docs API is used, the table can be created without borders. But unfortunately, in the current stage, I had thought that it is difficult to directly create a table using Docs API. So I had created a library for managing the table on Google Document using Docs API. In this answer, I would like to propose to achieve your goal using this library.


1. Install library.

$ pip install gdoctableapppy

2. Sample script:

docs = build('docs', 'v1', credentials=creds) # Please use your script here.
documentId = "###" # Please set Google Document ID.

values = [['Name Of the Organization', 'StackOverflow'], ['Industry', 'Software'], ['Business_Id', '123']]
resource = {
    "oauth2": creds,
    "documentId": documentId,
    "rows": len(values),
    "columns": len(values[0]),
    "append": True,
    "values": values,
resource = {
    "oauth2": creds,
    "documentId": documentId,
res = gdoctableapp.GetTables(resource)
obj = {"color": {"color": {}}, "dashStyle": "SOLID", "width": {"magnitude": 0, "unit": "PT"}}
requests = [{
    "updateTableCellStyle": {
        "tableCellStyle": {
            "borderBottom": obj,
            "borderTop": obj,
            "borderLeft": obj,
            "borderRight": obj,
        "tableStartLocation": {
            "index": res['tables'][-1]['tablePosition']['startIndex']
        "fields": "borderBottom,borderTop,borderLeft,borderRight"
docs.documents().batchUpdate(documentId=documentId, body={'requests': requests}).execute()

3. Testing.

When the above script is run, the following result can be obtained.



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