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React - Handling multiple state in button

I have a simple function that handle state for multiple button and create a dynamic class. Here in my code i have successfully changed the state for onclick event. I want to change the class color dynamically for onclick event, but the class isn't changing. What did i do wrong here? I've been struggling with simple things

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

function Tes() {
    const lst = [
            'name' : 'Python',
            'active': true,
            'disabled': false
            'name' : 'Java',
            'active': false,
            'disabled': true
            'name' : 'PHP',
            'active': true,
            'disabled': false
            'name' : 'C++',
            'active': true,
            'disabled': false
            'name' : 'Javascript',
            'active': false,
            'disabled': true
            'name' : 'Django',
            'active': true,
            'disabled': false

    const [statebtn, setStatebtn] = useState(lst)

    function onClick(key, index) {
        let tmp = statebtn;
        tmp[index][key] = !tmp[index][key];
        console.log(statebtn, 'fsadsada');

    function changeClass(statevalue) {
        return (statevalue ? "btn-primary" : "btn-danger")

    return (
            {lst.map((x,index) => (
                <button onClick={() => onClick('active', index)} className={`btn ${statebtn[index]['active'] ? "btn-primary" : "btn-danger"}`} disabled={x['disabled']}>{x['name']}</button>


export default Tes

2 notes my friend.

function onClick(key, index) {
    let tmp = [...statebtn]; // <- this will force the ref to original data to be changed, so mutations will trigger re-rendering.
    tmp[index][key] = !tmp[index][key];

Also. I've noticed you are looping not on the state but on a hardcoded array. Use this instead.

{statebtn.map((x, index) => ( // <- statebtn.map instead of lst.map
          onClick={() => onClick("active", index)}
          className={`btn ${x["active"] ? "btn-primary" : "btn-danger"}`}
          {x["name"]} {x["active"].toString()}

The reason it was not working was because you were makeing a shallow copy, what you should have done is make a deep copy.

Check the code below

function onClick(key, index) {
    let tmp = statebtn.slice();
    tmp[index][key] = !tmp[index][key];
    console.log(statebtn, 'fsadsada');

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