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How to define Entry point for multiple implementation of interface using Hilt custom component?

I have created a custom component AuthUserComponent using Hilt and need to provide multiple implementation to DataRepository interface.

class Sample @Inject constructor(
    @DemoMode private val demoRepository: DataRepository,
    @ProductionMode private val productionRepository: DataRepository
) {}

I have created the below @Provides implementations of the interface:

object DIModule {

    fun provideDataRepositoryImplDemo(): DataRepository =

    fun provideDataRepositoryImpl(): DataRepository =

How do I provide multiple repository implementations via Entrypoint and bridge it with SingletonComponent? I get the below error:

DataRepository is bound multiple times error

 interface AuthUserDataEntryPoint {
    fun dataRepositoryImpl(): DataRepository 
    fun dataRepositoryImplDemo(): DataRepository 

internal object AuthUserDataEntryBridge {
    internal fun provideDataRepositoryImplDemo(
        authUserComponentManager: AuthUserComponentManager
    ): DataRepository {
        return EntryPoints
            .get(authUserComponentManager, AuthUserDataEntryPoint::class.java)

    internal fun provideDataRepositoryImpl(
        authUserComponentManager: AuthUserComponentManager
    ): DataRepository {
        return EntryPoints
            .get(authUserComponentManager, AuthUserDataEntryPoint::class.java)

Have you considered making a wrapper object that gets injected with the annotated properties and then you get that object using EntryPoints?

data class DataRepositoryies @Inject constructor(
    val demoRepository: DataRepository,
    val productionRepository: DataRepository

And then somewhere you'd do

val dataRepositories = EntryPoints.get(..., DataRepositories::class.java)
val demoRepository = dataRepositories.demoRepository
val productionRepository = dataRepositories.productionRepository

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