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Extract text between two (different) HTML tags using jsoup

I have following snippet of HTML code:

    <span class="detailh2" style="margin:0px">This month: </span>2 145        
    <span class="detailh2">Total: </span> 31 704          
    <span class="detailh2">Last: </span> 30.12.2021          

My goal is to extract the part of the code following the Total: span . Which means the output should look like:

31 704

I got this:

String total = doc.select("td:contains(Total:)").get(0).ownText();

, which returns:

2 145 31 704 30.12.2021

As you can see all three values are merged into one confusing string. Is there any way (method?) which will return them in array(list)?

["2 145", "31 704", "30.12.2021"]

(I don't actually need array, I'm interested in the Total value only)

Use the Element.nextSibling() method. In the example code below, the desired values are placed into a List Interface of String:

String html = "<td>\n"
            + "    <span class=\"detailh2\" style=\"margin:0px\">This month: </span>2 145 \n"
            + "    <span class=\"detailh2\">Total: </span> 31 704                         \n"
            + "    <span class=\"detailh2\">Last: </span> 30.12.2021                      \n"
            + "</td>";

List<String> valuesList = new ArrayList<>();

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Elements elements = doc.select("span");
for (Element a : elements) {
    Node node = a.nextSibling();
// Display valuesLlist in Condole window:
for (String value : valuesList) {

It will display the following into the Console Window:

2 145
31 704

If you prefer to just get the value for Total: then you can try this:

String html = "<td>\n"
            + "    <span class=\"detailh2\" style=\"margin:0px\">This month: </span>2 145 \n"
            + "    <span class=\"detailh2\">Total: </span> 31 704                         \n"
            + "    <span class=\"detailh2\">Last: </span> 30.12.2021                      \n"
            + "</td>";
String totalValue = "N/A";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Elements elements = doc.select("span");
for (Element a : elements) {
    if (a.before("</span>").text().contains("Total:")) {
        Node node = a.nextSibling();
        totalValue = "Total: --> " + node.toString().trim();
// Display the value in Condole window:

The above code will display the following within the Console Window:

 Total: --> 31 704

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