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Python: Add unique values from a CSV column to list

I'm going through a CSV that has a list of cargo movements between various ports, and I'd like to take all the unique values for the ports into a new list.

Currently, I have the below, it adds every value under the 'Origin Ports' column, how can I make sure it adds just the unique values under that column? Thank you.

import csv

CSV_FILE = "Bitumen2021Exports.csv"

ports = []
with open(CSV_FILE, encoding="utf-8-sig") as bitumen_csv:
    bitumen_reader = csv.DictReader(bitumen_csv)
    for port in bitumen_reader:
        ports.append(port['ORIGIN PORT'])


The data in the CSV looks like below: 在此处输入图像描述

One way based on your code:

import csv

CSV_FILE = "Bitumen2021Exports.csv"

ports = []
with open(CSV_FILE, encoding="utf-8-sig") as bitumen_csv:
    bitumen_reader = csv.DictReader(bitumen_csv)
    for port in bitumen_reader:
        if port['ORIGIN PORTS'] not in ports:
              ports.append(port['ORIGIN PORTS'])


Another way is to import the csv into a pandas df and use column.unique() .

You can also skip handling the "uniqueness logic" and use Python's set , which only allows unique elements:

import csv

CSV_FILE = "Bitumen2021Exports.csv"

ports = set()
with open(CSV_FILE, encoding="utf-8-sig") as bitumen_csv:
    bitumen_reader = csv.DictReader(bitumen_csv)
    for port in bitumen_reader:
          ports.add(port['ORIGIN PORTS'])


Ports, a set, is an iterable, or just convert to a list if you need, list(ports) .

A minor variation to show how one could use a set comprehension:

import csv

CSV_FILE = "Bitumen2021Exports.csv"
with open(CSV_FILE, encoding="utf-8-sig") as bitumen_csv:
    ports = {port['ORIGIN PORT'] for port in csv.DictReader(bitumen_csv)}

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