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How to create rpm A which support overlapping of installed rpm B files?

I want to create rpm A, my requirement here is that whenever I install rpm A, It will replace some files which are part of installed rpm B.

for this in debian we used

Provides: pkg C
Conflicts: pkg C
Replaces: pkg C

Replacing whole packages, forcing their removal.

How can I do this in rpm spec file.

If you want RPM B to go away, then yes, the same thing " Provides " (to make other RPMs looking for B happy) and " Conflicts " (to force the uninstall of B).

If you want B to stick around, then you're out of luck unless you can do a few esoteric things. The easiest would be to do something like myorg-common which contains these files and then myorg-a and myorg-b which conflict with each other but both require myorg-common (and provide each other).

There are 2 solutions.

  1. Overlapping is not in supported rpm spec, but we can use commandline option rpm A --replacefile .

  2. Use Obsoletes: in RPM A spec file to remove older package or conflict packages and add Provides: in RPM A to make RPM B happy.

    Note: for option 2 rpm -i RPM A --> will not obsoletes packages. we have to use yum install RPM A or rpm -U RPM A

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