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Select mysql with php for mail into serialize array

With an input of info@test.com how can I select a record in the database with the below value?


I have tried:

$sql_mail = "SELECT * FROM wp_cf7db WHERE data REGEXP '.*'info@test.com';s:[0-9]+:'2'.*'"

The object is compiled with the data type, in your case a string, and the length of the string. You could use something like:

'select * 
from table 
where data REGEXP concat("s:",' . mb_strlen($email) . ', ":", ?, ";")'

then bind the $email , that should get you pretty close. If an email contains special regex characters though you'll need to escape those. Alternatively a like could be used. Wildcards would only then need to be escaped:

'select * 
from table 
where data like concat("%s:",' . mb_strlen($email) . ', ":", ?, ";%")'

Your previous attempt also probably could have worked but you needed to fix the quoting:


the single quotes are for the regexp encapsulation, additionally the object construction uses double quotes, so you'd want:


If s:5:"email";s: is always preceding you also could add that to make it a bit stricter.

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