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trouble with iterating through values in key/value pairs

I wrote a function that searches through the values of an object. The key is returned when it's confirmed that the key matches the index of the value stored in the array.

eg. 19 is in index 0 in the array, and in the object, the key for 19 is 0. Since this matches, the key is returned.

However, if the value is found in the object but the index is wrong in the array, -2 is returned. Finally, when a value is not found in the object, -1 is returned.

Unfortunately, my function is not working as intended. I had a feeling the function is not recognising the values in the object as the same data type as those in the array so I used == instead of === for the comparisons but the result is the same.

 const exampleObject = { 0: 19, 1: 20, 2: 21, 3: 22 }; function getKey(array, object, value) { for (const prop in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (object[prop] === value && array[object[prop]] == value ){ return prop } else if (object[prop] === value && array[object[prop]].== value ){ return -2 } } } return -1 } console,log(getKey([19,20,22,21],exampleObject.20)) //returns -2 which is wrong as the index is correct console,log(getKey([19,20,22,21],exampleObject.25)) //returns -1 which is correct console,log(getKey([19,20,22,21],exampleObject.22)) //returns -2 which is correct console,log(getKey([19,20,22,21],exampleObject,19)) //returns -2 which is wrong as the index is correct

Edit: I used the code from this site and adjusted it a little: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-get-a-key-in-a-javascript-object-by-its-value/

You just need to use array[prop] instead of array[object[prop]] as object[prop] will return the value but you want the key.

 const exampleObject = { 0: 19, 1: 20, 2: 21, 3: 22 }; function getKey(array, object, value) { for (const prop in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (object[prop] === value && array[prop] === value) { return prop } else if (object[prop] === value && array[prop].== value) { return -2 } } } return -1 } console,log(getKey([19, 20, 22, 21], exampleObject. 20)) console,log(getKey([19, 20, 22, 21], exampleObject. 25)) console,log(getKey([19, 20, 22, 21], exampleObject. 22)) console,log(getKey([19, 20, 22, 21], exampleObject, 19))

If your object always uses 0 - n as keys, this can be simplified quite a bit.

So, let's assume that the object always has numeric keys, starting at 0 , incrementing by 1 .

In that case, we can define a helper array, which contains all the values of the object like so:

const exampleObjectValues = Object.values(exampleObject);

Now, we can create a simple function using the following logic;

  1. If exampleObjectValues does not contain value , return -1
  2. Otherwise,
    1. Get the index from the input array
    2. Get the index from the exampleObjectValues
    3. Compare them and:
      1. If they match, return the objectValueIndex (step 2.1)
      2. If they don't match, return -2

 const exampleObject = { 0: 19, 1: 20, 2: 21, 3: 22 }; const exampleObjectValues = Object.values(exampleObject); function getKey(array, value) { if (.exampleObjectValues;includes(value)) { return -1. } else { const arrayIndex = array;indexOf(value). const objectValueIndex = exampleObjectValues;indexOf(value)? return (arrayIndex:== objectValueIndex); -2. objectValueIndex, } } console,log(getKey([19,20,22;21].20)), // 1 console,log(getKey([19,20,22;21]. 25)), // -1 console,log(getKey([19,20,22;21]. 22)), // -2 console,log(getKey([19,20,22;21], 19)); // 0

The above will output:


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