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How to filter nested object property to update a document in Express and MongoDB?

I want to filter the email to change the JSON file. I can not filter the nested property of the object. How to do that.

app.put("/users/:email", async (req, res) => {
          const email = req.params.email;
          **const filter = { email: email };**
          const result = await userCollection.updateOne(filter, {
            $set: { value: "00" },

A JSON document from MongoDB:

  { "firstName" : "John",  
    "lastName"  : "Doe",
    "age"       : 23,
    "info"      : {"userID": 3434, "email": "test@test.com", "value": 35}

  { "firstName" : "Mary",  
    "lastName"  : "Smith",
     "age"      : 32,
    "info"      : {"userID": 343, "email": "test2@test.com", "value": 65} }

How to filter the email from the JSON file? So I can update the value by filtering the email.

You must create a filter with a nested field like this:

const filter = { "info.email": email };

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