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How to redirect multiline output into mailx body of message?

I'm trying to redirect the output of a command into mailx.

if grep -B 1 line $curccrtpick; then
    grep -B 1 line $curccrtpick | head -2 > tempmsg
    mail -s "String found in $curccrtpick" -r test@test.com dummy@test.com < tempmsg
    #rm tempmsg
    echo nothing

But it appears as a binary file in the form of an attachment (ATT00001.bin)

When I run

tr -d '[\015\200-\377]' < tempmsg > tempmsg1

and redirect that file into mailx I receive the email in a one liner:


when there should be two


This is the logic that worked for me. Utilizing sendmail seems more appropriate than mailx.

if grep -B 1 Retry $curpickccsb; then
        stringLine1=$(grep -B 1 Line $curpickccsb | head -1)
        stringLine2=$(grep Line $curpickccsb | head -1)
        echo -e "String located in $curpickccsb. Sending email notification."
        echo -e "Content-Type: text/plain\r\nFrom: no-reply@domain.com\r\nSubject: String in $curpickccsb\r\n\r\n'$stringLine1'\r\n'$stringLine2'\r\n" | sendmail -f no-reply@domain.com test@domain.com
        echo -e "No errors located in $curpickccsb"

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