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Azure alternatives for hosting Blazor WebAssembly

Hosting Blazor WebAssembly on Azure seems to be expensive, particularly with a SQL Server database. Can a Blazor WebAssembly website be hosted outside the big names in Cloud? (Azure, AWS and the others) Any suggestions? I do not need a high traffic performance solution, a host with an "average" capabilities (say a couple hundred users per day, some 20 pages website or so, connected to a backend relational database say with some 20 tables of few 100K rows at max) and a low budget would do.

I have Googled that some suggest to use a static hosting for hosting a Blazor WebAssembly website, and on Azure that should be free? (as much as I gathered), but does not include a SQL Server database. If the database is the problem, any suggestions for an alternative data storage tech/approach (even a no-sql database) which can lead for the website (including its data storage part) to be hosted for free or a low budget? No matter what configurations I tried in Azure price calculator, I ended up with 100s$ per month - at least.

I'm aware of the first year trial/free Azure services for learning/development etc. but looking to know can I provide a working/business website with Blazor including the database and hosting, on a low budget.

Help much appreciated. Thank you.

Ok from I can see there are two different questions.

  • Approaches to host a Blazor WASM App
  • Options for SQL Database

Approaches to host Blazor WASM
There are quite a few options to host cheaply.

  • Azure Container Apps : For 10 million requests per month with 100 concurrent requests will cost between $3 and $6 . The costs essentially depends on the usage (CPU and Memory usage).
  • Static hosting on Azure Storage : All you pay for is the storage and the transactions. A similar spec as above will cost between $4 and $6
  • App Service : A shared linux App Service will cost $14

Options for SQL Db
This depends on what you need, the data storage and how often you are going to hit the db in the first place

  • Azure SQL : A basic Service Tier, 5 DTU, 2 GB database will cost $5 - $6 based on backups
  • Cosmos DB : Serverless 1 million RU with 2 GB storage will be $1 . And Cosmos DB supports SQL APIs as well.

PS 1 : All the costs are in USD.
PS 2 : The specs mentioned in here are listed in the following url. https://azure.com/e/8a014ac17828453f901a14ab91754f47

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