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How to calculate the minimum maximum and average values for each column in a dataset using MapReduce in pyspark?

Assuming I have a large data set, here is an abbreviated part of it


I know the easiest way to do this is to use df.describe().show() in pyspark, but How can I use Mapreduce in pyspark to calculate the minimum maximum and average of each column?

df.describe() uses native Spark function to run the computation. You can explicitly use select expressions to get the results.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

data = [("Healthy", 4.5044, 0.7443, 6.34, 1.9052,),
        ("Patient", 4.4284, 0.9073, 5.6433, 1.6232,),
        ("Patient", 4.5291, 1.0199, 6.113, 1.0565,),
        ("Healthy", 5.2258, 0.6125, 7.9504, 0.1547,),
        ("Healthy", 4.8834, 0.5786, 5.6021, 0.5942,),
        ("Patient", 5.7422, 0.8862, 5.1013, 0.9402,),
        ("Healthy", 6.5076, 0.5438, 7.153, 0.6711,), ]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ("Status", "column1", "column2", "column3", "column4", ))

select_expr = []

for c in df.columns:
    for metric in [F.min, F.max, F.avg]:


|min(Status)|max(Status)|avg(Status)|min(column1)|max(column1)|     avg(column1)|min(column2)|max(column2)|      avg(column2)|min(column3)|max(column3)|     avg(column3)|min(column4)|max(column4)|      avg(column4)|
|    Healthy|    Patient|       null|      4.4284|      6.5076|5.117271428571429|      0.5438|      1.0199|0.7560857142857141|      5.1013|      7.9504|6.271871428571429|      0.1547|      1.9052|0.9921571428571428|

just group by column you want to find max,min and avg and use aggregate function:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
.agg(F.max(df.column1), F.min(df.column1), F.avg(df.column1)).show()


It helps if you specify the output you want in your question or what you'll be using the output for, but the below should cover most use cases

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

data = [("Healthy", 4.5044, 0.7443, 6.34, 1.9052,),
        ("Patient", 4.4284, 0.9073, 5.6433, 1.6232,),
        ("Patient", 4.5291, 1.0199, 6.113, 1.0565,),
        ("Healthy", 5.2258, 0.6125, 7.9504, 0.1547,),
        ("Healthy", 4.8834, 0.5786, 5.6021, 0.5942,),
        ("Patient", 5.7422, 0.8862, 5.1013, 0.9402,),
        ("Healthy", 6.5076, 0.5438, 7.153, 0.6711,), ]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ("Status", "column1", "column2", "column3", "column4", ))

columns = df.columns

cols_to_agg = [f(c) for c in columns for f in [F.min, F.max, F.avg]]


|min(column1)|max(column1)|     avg(column1)|min(column2)|max(column2)|      avg(column2)|min(column3)|max(column3)|     avg(column3)|min(column4)|max(column4)|      avg(column4)|
|      4.4284|      6.5076|5.117271428571429|      0.5438|      1.0199|0.7560857142857144|      5.1013|      7.9504|6.271871428571428|      0.1547|      1.9052|0.9921571428571428|

or as Igor mentioned you could do a groupby to get a more granular breakdown


or if you want both use a rollup as this will give the result of both of the above in a single aggregation and output.

| status|min(column1)|max(column1)|      avg(column1)|min(column2)|max(column2)|      avg(column2)|min(column3)|max(column3)|     avg(column3)|min(column4)|max(column4)|      avg(column4)|grouping_id()|
|Patient|      4.4284|      5.7422|            4.8999|      0.8862|      1.0199|0.9378000000000001|      5.1013|       6.113|5.619199999999999|      0.9402|      1.6232|1.2066333333333332|            0|
|Healthy|      4.5044|      6.5076|5.2802999999999995|      0.5438|      0.7443|            0.6198|      5.6021|      7.9504|         6.761375|      0.1547|      1.9052|0.8312999999999999|            0|
|   null|      4.4284|      6.5076| 5.117271428571429|      0.5438|      1.0199|0.7560857142857144|      5.1013|      7.9504|6.271871428571428|      0.1547|      1.9052|0.9921571428571428|            1|

Note that df.agg is just an alias for df.groupBy().agg() and grouping_id is the null safe way to indicate which aggregation level a row belongs to

lastly you could consider putting the outputs in a more friendly format like a map column, which outputs the below

cols_to_agg = [F.create_map(f.__name__, f(c)) for f in [F.min, F.max, F.avg] for c in columns]

|column1                                                 |column2                                                  |column3                                                 |column4                                                  |
|{min -> 4.4284, max -> 6.5076, avg -> 5.117271428571429}|{min -> 0.5438, max -> 1.0199, avg -> 0.7560857142857144}|{min -> 5.1013, max -> 7.9504, avg -> 6.271871428571428}|{min -> 0.1547, max -> 1.9052, avg -> 0.9921571428571428}|

which can then be collected to a python dictionary


{'column1': {'avg': 5.117271428571429, 'max': 6.5076, 'min': 4.4284},
 'column2': {'avg': 0.7560857142857144, 'max': 1.0199, 'min': 0.5438},
 'column3': {'avg': 6.271871428571428, 'max': 7.9504, 'min': 5.1013},
 'column4': {'avg': 0.9921571428571428, 'max': 1.9052, 'min': 0.1547}}

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