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How to sort an array of object by a specific field Javascript

I have an array containing multiple objects with multiple fields, and I'm trying to sort the array in decending order from the largest "Views" value to the lowest. but when I run my code it outputs a few in order, but the majority are random. There are a lot more array rows in my project if that could be affecting it.

list = [{title: "Test1", views: "25"}, {title: "Test2", "105"}, {title: "Test3", views: "12"}]
var len = list.length - 1;
list.sort(function (a, b) {
    return a.views.localeCompare(b.views) || b.views - a.views;
for(var x = 0; x < len; x++) {
    displayFunc(list[x].title, list[x].views);

Desired output:

{title: "Test2", views: "105"}, {title: "Test1", "25"}, {title: "Test3", views: "12"}

As mentioned in the comments, you dont need a localecompare here:

 const list = [{title: "Test1", views: "25"}, {title: "Test2", views: "105"}, {title: "Test3", views: "12"}] console.log(list.sort((a,b)=>{ return b.views - a.views }));

You have some errors in your code. I corrected your version and give you a somewhat better, more modern version.

 const list = [{title: "Test1", views: "25"}, {title: "Test2", views: "105"}, {title: "Test3", views: "12"}]; var len = list.length; const list_sorted = list.sort(function (a, b) { return parseInt(b.views) - parseInt(a.views); }); for(var x = 0; x < len; x++) { console.log(list[x].title, list[x].views); } /// Better list.map(el => ({...el, views: parseInt(el.views) })).sort((a,b) => b.views - a.views).forEach(el => console.log(el.title, el.views));

We can use any key available in object to sort. As per your requirement, 'view' is used here,

const list = [{title: "Test1", views: "25"}, {title: "Test2", views: "105"}, {title: "Test3", views: "12"}]

console.log(list.sort((a, b) => b.views - a.views));

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