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JAXB not adding type to @XMLJavaTypeAdapter annotation

I have been given an XSD which contains a xs:integer field. I want the generated code to use an int , so I can apply an existing interface to it. (the field is required and will never exceed the 32-bit range, it should have been an xs:int ).

Using XJB I can change the type in the generated code. But this gives me an error when creating a JAXBContext .

  <bindings schemaLocation="mySchema.xsd">
    <bindings node="//xsd:element[@name='myField']">

      <!-- either with jaxb -->
      <property name="myField">
        <baseType name="int">
          <javaType name="int" />

      <!-- or with xjc-->
      <xjc:javaType name="int"/>


this generates the following code

public class MyClass {
    @XmlElement(required = true, type = String.class)
    @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = Adapter1.class)
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "integer")
    protected int myField;

    // ...

While this works for code-generation, it fails for marshalling and throws the following exception when creating a context.

Adapter myPackage.Adapter1.class is not applicable to the field type int. 
    this problem is related to the following location:
        at @javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type=javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter$DEFAULT.class, value=mySchemaPackage.Adapter1.class)

if I manually add a type-parameter to the annotation the problem is solved, but I cannot find a way to make JAXB do this for me.

@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = Adapter1.class, type = int.class)

Using the JAXB2-Basics -plugin I managed to override the generated annotation. I decided to use a named adapter instead of the dynamically generated Adapter1.class , but the implementation of IntAdapter is the same XmlAdapter<String, Integer> as JAXB would generate.

  <bindings schemaLocation="mySchema.xsd">
    <bindings node="//xsd:element[@name='myField']">

      <annox:annotate target="field">
        @javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=myCodePackage.IntAdapter.class, type=int.class)
      <xjc:javaType name="int" adapter="myCodePackage.IntAdapter"/>


and now the code is generated like

@XmlElement(required = true, type = String.class)
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = IntAdapter.class, type = int.class)
@XmlSchemaType(name = "integer")
protected int myField;

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