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setValue() / addValue() type into adress bar instead of selected element

I'm using WebdriverIO + devtools:puppeteer + cucumber + Firefox Nightly.

When using setValue() / addValue() , the first letter of my input is typed into address bar, instead of selected element. The issue for same tests doesn't appear for mse or chrome browsers.



After this, nothing happens until function timeouts

INFO devtools: COMMAND navigateTo("https://google.com/")
INFO devtools: RESULT null
INFO devtools: COMMAND findElement("css selector", "input[type=text]")
INFO devtools: RESULT { 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'ELEMENT-1' }
INFO devtools: COMMAND elementClear("ELEMENT-1")
INFO devtools: RESULT null
INFO devtools: COMMAND elementSendKeys("ELEMENT-1", "hello world")

Code examples: Test:

Scenario: Try google
        When I open "google.com"
        Then I type "hello world" into "input[type=text]"


When('I open {string}', async function (URL) {
    await browser.url(`https://${URL}`);

Then('I type {string} into {string}', async function (input, selector) {
    await $(selector).setValue(input);

Although there is a walkaround for some URLS with clicking on the element before using setValue(), this doesn't work for some cases (eg when redirecting from pre-login page to login page with pretyped-in login, I could not click + setValue for password field).

Hope anyone knows how this could be solved or walked around for all cases. Thanks.



as I'm using built-in puppeteer, page is not defined by default Instead I tried:

const puppeteerBrowser = await browser.getPuppeteer()
const pages = await puppeteerBrowser.pages()
const page = await pages[0]
await (await page.waitForSelector('input[type=text]')).type('hello')

It worked for chrome and mse again, but failed for ffox nightly.

After opening in browser requested URL (google.com), I've received next error:

Error in "21: Then I type "hello world" into "input[type=text]""
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: http://localhost:localhost:64619`

[UPD] I've changed browserURL: 'http://localhost:${rdPort}' to browserURL: 'http://${rdPort}' in a...\node_modules\webdriverio\build\commands\browser\getPuppeteer.js file so I at least could connect to puppeteer.pages object, but there's still a problem on await (await page.waitForSelector('input[type=text]')).type('hello') action:

ProtocolError: Protocol error (DOM.resolveNode): Node with given id does not belong to the document resolveNode@chrome://remote/content/cdp/domains/content/DOM.jsm:245:15

Try awaiting the <input> and typing directly into it:

await (await page.waitForSelector('input[type=text]')).type('hello')


as I'm using built-in puppeteer, page is not defined by default Instead I tried:

const puppeteerBrowser = await browser.getPuppeteer()
const pages = await puppeteerBrowser.pages()
const page = await pages[0]
await (await page.waitForSelector('input[type=text]')).type('hello')

It worked for chrome and mse again, but failed for ffox nightly.

After opening in browser requested URL (google.com), I've received next error:

Error in "21: Then I type "hello world" into "input[type=text]""
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: http://localhost:localhost:64619`

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