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scala reduce a complex structure

I have the following case classes

case class AdsWeight(ads: Seq[LimitedAd], finalWeight: Double)

case class LimitedAd(
    id: Long,
    tid: Long,
    mt: String,
    oe: String,
    bid: Double,
    score: Double,
    ts: Double

Now given val records: Seq[AdsWeight] , how can I replace the score s in every LimitedAd with score * finalWeight , and then concat only the LimitedAd to output?


val ad1 = LimitedAd(1, 100, "mt1", "ot1", 0.1, 0.01, 0.001)
val ad2 = LimitedAd(2, 200, "mt2", "ot2", 0.2, 0.02, 0.002)
val ad3 = LimitedAd(3, 300, "mt3", "ot4", 0.3, 0.03, 0.003)
val ad4 = LimitedAd(4, 400, "mt4", "ot4", 0.4, 0.04, 0.004)

val ads1 = AdsWeight(Seq(ad1, ad2), 0.9)
val ads2 = AdsWeight(Seq(ad3, ad4), 0.8)

val records: Seq[AdsWeight] = Seq(ads1, ads2)

and get the output

(1, 100, "mt1", "ot1", 0.1, 0.009, 0.001), (2, 200, "mt2", "ot2", 0.2, 0.018, 0.002)
(3, 300, "mt3", "ot3", 0.3, 0.024, 0.003), (4, 400, "mt4", "ot4", 0.4, 0.032, 0.004)
scala> val res =  records.flatMap(r => r.ads.map(ad => ad.copy(score = ad.score * r.finalWeight)))
val res: Seq[LimitedAd] = List(LimitedAd(1,100,mt1,ot1,0.1,0.009000000000000001,0.001), LimitedAd(2,200,mt2,ot2,0.2,0.018000000000000002,0.002), LimitedAd(3,300,mt3,ot4,0.3,0.024,0.003), LimitedAd(4,400,mt4,ot4,0.4,0.032,0.004))

scala> res.foreach(println)

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