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Python: question about the loggind module with TimedRotatingFileHandler

Backgroud: I try to use the loggind module to record my log.

I use TimedRotatingFileHandler and set the date suffix %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M to each log file. However, I noticed that the first log file that be generated by the logging module didn't append the suffix to its file name, how can I fix it or it is inevitable?


It is simply the name of the current file in which the logger is writing. The others are the previous.
Here is my code:

import logging
import time
from logging import handlers

root_logger = logging.getLogger()
root_logger.addHandler(handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler("log", when="s"))

for i in range(10):

It produced:

  • log.2022-01-27_17-37-33
  • log.2022-01-27_17-37-34
     1 2 3 4
  • log.2022-01-27_17-37-35
     5 6 7 8
  • log

When run again, it renamed log to log.2022-01-27_17-37-36 and produced another 4 files, three with a date and the last without.

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