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How to check if a property is null in reactjs?

I am here with a basic question. If I directly compare variables then I can get defined results. But I can not check if a passed value as property is null or undefined. Because it is showing never as null or undefined. So conditional checking not working. So please advice me, how to check if a property is undefined or null.

import { memo, useRef } from "react"; 

const MyComponent = (myList) => {
  const renderTimes = useRef(0);

  return (

      <div>Rendered : {renderTimes.current} times.</div>

        "block. Is it null? : ",
        myList === null,
        " is it undefined ? ",
        myList === undefined,
        "Check type:",
        typeof myList === "undefined"

export default MyComponent;


<MyComponent myList={undefined} />

If I pass nothing or even I passed named property as null and undefined both the time it shows same result.

You can modify modify your code as such:

 import { memo, useRef } from "react"; const MyComponent = (props) => { const renderTimes = useRef(0); // Checks if the "myList" element is defined if(this.props.myList === undefined) { console.log('myList is not defined') } return ( <div> {renderTimes.current++} <div>Rendered: {renderTimes.current} times.</div> {console.log( "block. Is it null? : ", {{ props.myList }} === null, " is it undefined? ", {{ props.myList }} === undefined, "Check type:", typeof {{ props.myList }} === "undefined" )} </div> ); }; export default MyComponent;

In short: your 'myList' variable is actually the props object - it would never show a null / undefined value (as it's an object).

The right way to pass values to components (from a parent component) is via the props object. At the child component, you get them using this way ( NOTE: without this. as this is a functional component ):

Using the example you supplied:

Parent comp (what you've done there was just fine):

<MyComponent myList = {...} />

Child comp:


(Or without the brackets when used outside the return block.)

By the way, if you'd like to create a render counter, the right way to do that is performing the renderCounter++; command outside the return block (in which you will then display the updated variable), ie,


  return (


I think you might be getting wrong outputs from the counter this way, not sure though.

Remember that useRef() does not re-render the component, while useState() does (I don't know what exactly you were trying to achieve there, I'm just mentioning it fwiw.

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