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Can not read whole id with Desfire EV2 4k card in Android app

I am trying to read id of Mifare Desfire EV2 card with custom reader attached via uart port to android tablet like device. Card id taken from android phone is: 04:28:3E: 82:5F:6D:80 But from input stream in my app i get: 02:09:03: 80:6D:5f:82 :3A:03 Basicly from input stream i get second 4 bytes of id in reversed order, but i need to get whole 7 bytes. First three bytes and last two looks like some balast added by card reader. Here is code for reading from serial ports input stream:

while (currentCoroutineContext().isActive) {

                val inputStream = serialPort?.inputStream
                inputStream?.let {
                    val buffer = ByteArray(512)
                    val size: Int = inputStream.read(buffer)
                    if (size > 0) {
                        val cardID = buffer.take(size).toByteArray()

Any idea what could be wrong?

After clarification with manufacturer, card reader is programmed this way, so not problem at application side and without hw update there is no way to get whole card ID.

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