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Unused constructor instantiated in template class created by another constructor

I have the following class:

template <typename T=void>
class Foo{


  template <typename = typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<T>::value, std::nullptr_t>>
  Foo(const T&){};


int main() {
  Foo<void> v;

v is created using the first constructor. Therefore, there is no need to create the second constructor for Foo<void> .

Why does it get created anyways?

The problem is that explicitly creating the second constructor with the type void bypasses SFINAE, and tries to make a parameter of const void& . This is obviously not allowed.

How can I prevent the second constructor from being valid if T is void ?

Why does it get created anyways?

Because in your template constructor

template <typename = typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<T>::value, std::nullptr_t>>
Foo(const T&){};

the value of the test for std::enable_if ( :std::is_void<T>::value ) depends from the template type of the class ( T ).

To SFINAE enable/disable a method of a class (or struct) you have to write a test that depends from a template parameter of the method itself.

A way to circumvent this problem is add a template parameter U for the method and give it T as default type. I mean something as

template <typename U = T,
          typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<U>::value, std::nullptr_t>>
Foo(const U&){} // ..... the test depends from U ---^
//        ^--- U also here, to avoid the void reference problem

or, maybe better,

template <typename U = T, 
          std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<U>::value, std::nullptr_t> = nullptr>
Foo(const U&){}

An alternative to disabling the constructor is to replace const T& with some unusable type when T is void:

struct unusable {
  unusable() = delete;
  unusable(const unusable&) = delete;
  ~unusable() = delete;

template <typename T=void>
class Foo{
  using cref = std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<T>, unusable, std::add_lvalue_reference_t<const T>>;




This is useful const T& it is used in multiple places so you don't have to use SFINAE everywhere.

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