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How to properly convert HashMap<String,List<Object>> to Json with array of json object

I have a stream of Kafka messages and wanted to build a HashMap<String,List<Object>> to be used as API response in Json format.

for (ConsumerRecord<String,String> consumerRecord : records) {
        responses.put(consumerRecord.topic(), new ArrayList<Object>());

expected response:

    "topic1": [
    "topic2": [

actual response:

    "topic1": [
    "topic2": [

Slash quote (") symbol is just a properly escaped quotation in JSON. Your parser didn't recognize internal JSONs as JSONs but took them as Strings. Therefore within a String it escaped all " symbols. I suggest that you can use class ObjectMapper of Json-Jackson (also known as Faster XML) library (Maven artifacts here ). I wrote my own open source library called MgntUtils, that has JSON parser based on Json-Jackson. Using this library you can easily parse your JSON String into a Map

Map<String, Object> myMap = null;
try {
      myMap = JsonUtils.readObjectFromJsonString(jsonString, Map.class);
} catch (IOException e) {

Here is Javadoc for JsonUtils . The Maven artifacts for MgntUtils library could be found here , and library as a jar along with Javadoc and source code could be found on Github here

It is now working using these changes:

HashMap<String,List<Object>> responses = new HashMap<String,List<Object>>();

for (ConsumerRecord<String,String> consumerRecord : records) {
        responses.put(consumerRecord.topic(), new ArrayList<Object>());
    responses.get(consumerRecord.topic()).add(new JSONObject(consumerRecord.value()));

jsonObject = new JSONObject(responses);
return jsonObject.toMap();

  1. Convert Kafka message string to JSONObject new JSONObject(consumerRecord.value())
  2. Construct a JSONObject from a Map using jsonObject = new JSONObject(responses);
  3. Return Map<String, Object> using jsonObject.toMap();

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