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Thread-safe Singleton class

in my project i am trying to use singleton class to store data in it. When im trying to access it from Service class, its creating new instance instead of using previous Singleton instance. I read a lot of post on github and couldn't find working answer

My Singleton class

import android.util.Log;
import com.softelnet.ksavi.android.model.AttachmentRequest;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class AttachmentsUpdateQueue {

    private static class Holder {
        private static final AttachmentsUpdateQueue singleInstance = new AttachmentsUpdateQueue();

    private AttachmentsUpdateQueue() {
        Log.d("pox", "new instance");

    private LinkedList<AttachmentRequest> attachmentsQueue = new LinkedList<>();

    public static AttachmentsUpdateQueue getInstance() {
        return Holder.singleInstance;


    public AttachmentRequest getAttachmentForUpload() {
        Log.d("pox", "get, size:" + attachmentsQueue.size());
        if (attachmentsQueue.size() > 0) {
            return attachmentsQueue.get(0);
        } else {
            return null;


    public int getSize() {
        return attachmentsQueue.size();

    public void addAttachmentForUpload(AttachmentRequest attachment) {
        Log.d("pox", "added, size:" + attachmentsQueue.size());

Adding data to Singleton

AttachmentsUpdateQueue.getInstance().addAttachmentForUpload(new AttachmentRequest(oprCtx.getUser(),task.getId(),attachment,isAttribute));

Getting data from Singleton

 AttachmentRequest req = AttachmentsUpdateQueue.getInstance().getAttachmentForUpload();

may be you can write like this, which is named DCL(double check lock).

private volatile static AttachmentsUpdateQueue instance = null;
private AttachmentsUpdateQueue(){
    System.out.println("Single: " + System.nanoTime());

public static AttachmentsUpdateQueue getInstance(){
    if(instance == null){
        synchronized (AttachmentsUpdateQueue.class) {
            if(instance == null){
                singleInstance = new AttachmentsUpdateQueue();
    return instance;

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