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how to highlight a single bar on select in Plotly Dash

I am building a dashboard with Plotly Dash. I have used the slider as input for the bar chart. I would like to use the dropdown to highlight a single country in the bar chart. The connection is shown by the yellow arrows in the picture.

I have used the 'fig1.for_each_trace' to connect it to the dropdown. It does not give an error, but does not what I want.

Can anyone help me out?

This link has put me in this direction: https://plotly.com/python/creating-and-updating-figures/#conditionally-updating-traces


The callback I have so far:


    Output('barchart-1', 'figure'),
    Output('year-1', 'children')
    Input('year-slider', 'value'),
    Input('dropdown-country', 'value')
def update_visual(slctd_year, slctd_cntry):
    life = df1[df1['Year'] == slctd_year]
    country = df1[df1['Entity'] == slctd_cntry]

    fig1 = px.bar(
        y=life['Life expectancy'],
        # template='simple white'
    fig1.update_traces(marker_color='rgb(33, 60, 99)',

            height= 315,
            margin=dict(l=20, r=30, t=50, b=30),
        lambda trace: trace.update(marker_color='#9D3469') if trace == country else (),

    return fig1, 'Year: {0}'.format(slctd_year)


On the Plotly community forum I got this answer and it works perfectly fine!


fig1["data"][0]["marker"]["color"] = ["red" if c == slctd_cntry else "blue" for c in fig1["data"][0]["x"]]


This is the link to the topic: https://community.plotly.com/t/how-to-highlight-a-single-bar-on-select-in-plotly-dash/60739/2

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