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Python code to randomly guess user input number

import random
tries =0
g = [random.randint(1,9),random.randint(1,9),random.randint(1,9),random.randint(1,9)]
a,b,c,d =input("enter a 4 digit number: ")

r = [a,b,c,d]
while r !=g:
    g = [random.randint(1,9),random.randint(1,9),random.randint(1,9),random.randint(1,9)]
    tries = tries+1
if r==g:
    print("I got it right in ",tries,"tries")
while True:
    master = int(input("enter a 4 digit number: "))
    if 1000 <= master <= 9999:
    print("That's not a 4-digit number.")

guess = 5500
delta = guess // 2
tries = 0
while guess != master and tries < 10:
    tries = tries+1
    nxt = input(f"My guess is {guess}.  Is your number higher or lower? ")
    if nxt[0] == 'h':
        guess += delta
    elif nxt[0] == 'l':
        guess -= delta
        print("Come on, type 'higher' or 'lower'.")
    delta //= 2
if master == guess:
    print(f"My guess is {guess}.  I got it right in {tries} tries")
    print("I didn't get it in 10 tries.")

The main issue here is that you are trying to force input() to split your string input into four variables. Even if you wanted to convert it to integers, you would need to use a for loop or equivalent to separate it into a list. Also, having each digit split is redundant for your case, and you could just compare the integer to a 4 digit random integer (ex: randint(1000, 9999). Below is a simpler and more efficient way of doing this:

import random

userInput = int(input("Please input a 4 digit number: "))
compNumber = random.randint(1000, 9999)

count = 0
while userInput != compNumber:
    compNumber = random.randint(1000, 9999)
    count += 1
print("Match was created on the", count, "attempt.")

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