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c# read serial in hex

I am using the SDS011 laser dust sensor and want to read the data in a Windows forms Application. I get Hex Data. Example: AA C0 D4 04 3A 0A A1 60 1D AB now the fourth and the third pair represent the PM2.5 value, in this example: 04D4 -> 1236 -> 123,6 ug\/m^3 Could you please help me write a code for reading in the hex data and calculating the PM2.5 value? Thanks.


If the data is coming as a string then it's simple as:

string inputData = "AA C0 D4 04 3A 0A A1 60 1D AB";
var inputDataSplit = inputData.Split(' ');
// Concatenate the fourth and the third string, and convert it to integer with base 16 (hex)
int pmValue = Convert.ToInt32(inputDataSplit[3] + inputDataSplit[2], 16);
// 1236

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