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How do i get specific data from a json data (api) using axios in ReactJS

I want to get a Image with spesific Text in caption from Instagram graph api.For example if caption from image has "yes" word in Instagram then must show in homepage.The problem is i know i cant write if promises in axios or maybe i dont know how to write this rule.thank you for your help.

 import React from 'react' import '../styles/home.css' import axios from 'axios'; export default class Home extends React.Component { state = { posts: [] } componentDidMount() { axios.get(`https://graph.instagram.com/me/media?fields=id,caption,media_url,permalink,username&access_token=IGQ....`) .then(res => { const posts = res.data.data; this.setState({ posts }); }) } render() { return ( <div> { this.state.posts .map(post => <div className="banner_image"> <img className="post_img" key={post.id} src={post.media_url} alt="image"/> <div className="banner_text"> <div className="banner_content"> { this.state.posts .map(post => <h1 className="main_title" key={post.id}>{post.username}</h1> ) } {this.state.posts .map(post => <h3 className="main_caption" key={post.id}>{post.caption}</h3> ) } </div> </div> </div> ) } { this.state.posts .map(post => <img className="post_img_food" key={post.id} src={post.media_url} alt="image"/> ) } </div> ) } }

You could try .indexOf and make a if statement that finds the string "yes" if its there it will display that picture if not elif or end.

You can use RegExp (Regular expression) Or ES6 built in function like . include (),.search() to check if yes found in caption then use ternary operator .


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