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How to create multidimensional array in nested loop while?

I have nested loop while and I'd like to create multidimensional array with some datas from these loops Output should be look like:

'productContent'=> subarray(

My code with nested while loops

    if (have_rows('dodaj_pytania_do_produktu')):

        while (have_rows('dodaj_pytania_do_produktu')) : the_row();
            $counter = 1;
            $productID = get_sub_field('nazwa_produktu_faq');
            $productImage = get_sub_field('dodaj_zdjecie');
            $productsData[] = array(
                'productId' => $productID,
                'productImg' => $productImage,

            $product = wc_get_product($productID);
            $productName = $product->get_title();
            // Loop over sub repeater rows.
            if (have_rows('dodaj_pytanie_i_odpowiedz')):
                while (have_rows('dodaj_pytanie_i_odpowiedz')) : the_row();
                    $question = get_sub_field('dodaj_pytanie');
                    $answer = strip_tags(get_sub_field('dodaj_odpowiedz'));
                    $productsData[] = array(
                        'productDesc'=> array(
                        'question' => $question,
                        'answer' => $answer
    else :
        echo "brak faq";


Now my output create wrong subarray not creating a subarray

There is no hurry to create the array, wait till you have everything, so create the new array at the end of the outer loop, and build a temp array for the productContent array, put it all together at then end

if (have_rows('dodaj_pytania_do_produktu')):

    while (have_rows('dodaj_pytania_do_produktu')) : the_row();

        $productID = get_sub_field('nazwa_produktu_faq');
        $productImage = get_sub_field('dodaj_zdjecie');
        $product = wc_get_product($productID);
        $productName = $product->get_title();
        // Loop over sub repeater rows.
        if (have_rows('dodaj_pytanie_i_odpowiedz')):
            $x = 1; // counter
            $pc = [];
            while (have_rows('dodaj_pytanie_i_odpowiedz')) : 
                $question = get_sub_field('dodaj_pytanie');
                $answer = strip_tags(get_sub_field('dodaj_odpowiedz'));

                // build the inner loop content here
                $pc[] = ["question$x" => $question,
                         "answer$x" => $answer

            // put it all together here
            $productsData[] = [
                        'productId' => $productID,
                        'productImg' => $productImage,
                        'productContent = $pc

else :
    echo "brak faq";

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