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Create a multidimensional array in a loop

I am trying to create an array like this in a loop:

$dataPoints = array(
    array('x' => 4321, 'y' => 2364),
    array('x' => 3452, 'y' => 4566),
    array('x' => 1245, 'y' => 3452),
    array('x' => 700, 'y' => 900), 
    array('x' => 900, 'y' => 700));

with this code

$dataPoints = array();    
$brands = array("COCACOLA","DellChannel","ebayfans","google",
foreach ($brands as $value) {
    $resp = GetTwitter($value);
    $dataPoints = array(

but when loop completes my array looks like this:

Array ( [x] => 24 [y] => 819 ) 

This is because you're re-assigning $dataPoints as a new array on each loop.

Change it to:

$dataPoints[] = array("x"=>$resp['friends_count'],"y"=>$resp ['statuses_count']);

This will append a new array to the end of $dataPoints

use array_merge($array1,$array2) make it simple use two array one for use in iteration and another for storing the final result. checkout the code.

$dataPoints = array();  
$dataPoint = array();  

$brands = array(
foreach($brands as $value){
    $resp = GetTwitter($value);
    $dataPoint = array("x"=>$resp['friends_count'],"y"=>$resp ['statuses_count']);
    $dataPoints = array_merge($dataPoints,$dataPoint);

每次迭代都要覆盖$ dataPoints变量,但是你应该向数组添加新元素......

$dataPoints[] = array("x"=>$resp['friends_count'],"y"=>$resp ['statuses_count']);

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