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Spring not picking up value defined in properties file

I have a class with inject attributes like so:

public class MyController {

    private final String myValue;

    public MyController(
        @Value("${config.myValue}") String myValue) {
        this.myValue = myValue;

    public String dostuff(@RequestBody String message) {
      // stuff

And then I have a config file defined inside src/main/resources/application.yml like so:

  myValue: "some value"

But my IntelliJ (and cmd) tell me the value is not found:

 Could not resolve placeholder 'config.myValue' in value "${config.myValue}"

Why is my defined value not being recognized? (I tried renaming file to application-default.yml and application.properties but that didn't help either)

Could you please try renaming file as application.properties and define property like below and check if it works? config.myValue = some value

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