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How to consume messages from kafka producer in batches (kafka-python)

I am having a kafka producer and consumer in python. I wish to consume messages from kafka producer in batches, let's say 2. From the producer, I have been sending email data like the following:

    "email" : "sukhi215c@gmail.com",
    "subject": "Test 1",
    "message" : "this is a test"
    "email" : "sukhi215c@gmail.com",
    "subject": "Test 2",
    "message" : "this is a test"   
    "email" : "sukhi215c@gmail.com",
    "subject": "Test 3",
    "message" : "this is a test"   
    "email" : "sukhi215c@gmail.com",
    "subject": "Test 4",
    "message" : "this is a test"   

I am trying to consume these data in batches. I wish to consume 2 message at a time and send emails based on those 2 data and consume the next set of data. The workaround that I tried is:

consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic, bootstrap_servers=[server], api_version=(0, 10))
for message in consumer[:2]:
    string = message.value.decode("utf-8")
    dict_value = ast.literal_eval(string)

The error that I am getting is:

    for message in consumer[:2]:
TypeError: 'KafkaConsumer' object is not subscriptable

Can someone help me getting through this?

The consumer is not a collection; it's iterator is infinite.

If you want to perform an action every two events, use a counter or your own list

data = []
consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic, bootstrap_servers=[server], api_version=(0, 10))
for message in consumer:
    if len(data) >= 2:

Use the poll() interface documented here:


This allows you to set a timeout to return early if there are no messages to consume.

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