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Declare Pyspark variable in Synapse and use it in Kusto query

I want to declare Pyspark variable in Synapse and use the variable in Kusto queries.

The variable declared in Pyspark as below

s = "02-01-2022"
e = "02-10-2022"

Want to use the variable ' s ' and ' e ' in Kusto queries as shown below


s = "02-01-2022" 
e = "02-10-2022"

# Read data from Azure Data Explorer table(s)
# Full Sample Code available at: https://github.com/Azure/azure-kusto-spark/blob/master/samples/src/main/python/SynapseSample.py

sales_data  = spark.read \
    .format("com.microsoft.kusto.spark.synapse.datasource") \
    .option("spark.synapse.linkedService", "LinkedServiceName") \
    .option("kustoDatabase", "DatabaseName") \
    .option("kustoQuery", "let starttime = startofday(todatetime('s')); let endtime = startofday(todatetime('e')); Table | where Time between (starttime .. endtime)  | summarize amount = count() by Date= bin(TIMESTAMP,5h) | project Date,amount | order by Date asc") \


You can use the variable in the following way in pyspark:

option("kustoQuery", "let starttime = startofday(todatetime('" + s + "')); let endtime = startofday(todatetime('" + e + "')); Table | where Time between (starttime .. endtime)  | summarize amount = count() by Date= bin(TIMESTAMP,5h) | project Date,amount | order by Date asc")

Also, please refer Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) connector for Apache Spark

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