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How to record each throwable when using .onFailure().retry() with delay between retries

I need to record failure reason in metrics for each failed http call when using Vert.x WebClient. This compiles:


I'm recording metrics in retryTimeExpired method. But at runtime I get this:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid retry configuration, `when` cannot be used with a back-off configuration
    at io.smallrye.mutiny.groups.UniRetry.when(UniRetry.java:156)
    at io.smallrye.mutiny.groups.UniRetry.until(UniRetry.java:137)

I could of course add sleep but this is reactive. It would be possible to block for a short time but I would hate to block the thread. Any ideas how to do this without sleep ?

You could try using many sequential onFailure s. As long as the first doesn't handle the exception ( recoverWithItem , recoverWithNull , recoverWithUni ) or throw its own the next should observe the same failure.

    .invoke(record -> logger.info("Succeeded to read record."))
        .invoke(exception -> logger.warn("Failed to read record."))

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