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NextJs getServerSideProps cannot fetch data from Cloud Firestore Web version 9

I am using NextJs version 12.0.10 and firebase version 9.6.6 which use a modular system to import it.

When I run the function from my service to fetch data from firebase/firestore , it returns an error saying Cannot access 'getStories' before initialization . I'm confident all the logic & syntax are correct, as it works perfectly when I fetch it from inside the page render function.

Here is my getServerSideProps function:

import '@uiw/react-markdown-preview/markdown.css';
import { useContext } from 'react';
import { getStories } from '../lib/services/StoryService';
import { truncate } from 'lodash';
import { convertSecondsToHumanReadableDiff } from '../lib/utils/common';
import Link from 'next/link';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { AuthContext } from '../pages/_app';
import Navigation from '../components/Navigation';

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  const fetchedStories = await getStories();

  const stories = fetchedStories.docs.map((story) => {
    return {
      id: story.id,
      content: truncate(story.data().content, { length: 150, separator: '...' }),

  return { props: { stories } };

const Blog = ({ stories }) => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { user } = useContext(AuthContext);

  return (

export default Blog;


import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
import { getAnalytics } from 'firebase/analytics';
import { getFirestore } from 'firebase/firestore';
import { getAuth } from 'firebase/auth';

const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: 'XXX',
  authDomain: 'XXX',
  projectId: 'XXX',
  storageBucket: 'X',
  messagingSenderId: 'XXX',
  appId: 'XXX',
  measurementId: 'XXX',

const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const analytics = getAnalytics(app);

export const database = getFirestore(app);
export const auth = getAuth(app);


import {
} from 'firebase/firestore';
import { database } from '../firebase/firebase';
import slugify from 'slugify';
import { random } from 'lodash';

const storiesRef = collection(database, 'stories');

export const createStory = async (payload) => {
  const slugTitle = slugify(payload.title);
  const slug = slugTitle + '-' + random(0, 100000);
  const updatedPayload = {
    type: 'published',
    createdAt: serverTimestamp(),

  return setDoc(doc(storiesRef, slug), updatedPayload);

export const getStories = async () => {
  const q = query(storiesRef, orderBy('createdAt', 'desc'));

  return getDocs(q);

export const getStoryBySlug = async (slug) => {
  const docRef = doc(database, 'stories', slug);

  return getDoc(docRef);


You are using getDocs , a client-side function of firebase, inside your getStories function, which is invoked in getServerSideProps, a node.js environment.

Instead you need to use the admin SDK for functions invoked in node.js environment (like getServerSideProps), eg like so:

    import * as admin from "firebase-admin/firestore";
    export const getStories = async () => {
     return await admin
      .collection(database, 'stories')
      .orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')

    export const getStoryBySlug = async (slug) => {
     return await admin
      .doc(database, 'stories', slug)

(sorry for the late answer, I still hope it helps OP or anyone else)

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