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python text hockey game, issue adding items to inventory

I'm trying to do a text game for school and having issues adding the items to inventory, I have the moving between rooms working but the inventory is what's getting me now. I just keep getting errors no matter how I set up the get items, I have issues. Is there an easy way to add this functionality that I am missing?

# Game Description
# The main character is an ice hockey goalie for the local home team. 
# Their cities rival is playing them tonight and the opposing team’s goalie broke in to the locker room
# and hid the home teams goalie equipment all over the building to try and rattle him causing him to lose time warming up. 
# This includes his helmet, chest armor, blocker, glove, and each leg pad.  
# Time is clicking off and the home team goalie needs to find his stuff so he can get dressed and warm up.

rooms = {
    'Front Lobby': {'East': 'Ice Rink', 'Item': 'Glove'},
    'Ice Rink': {'North': 'Away Locker Room', 'West': 'Front Lobby', 'East': 'Mens Locker Room', 'South': 'Lounge', 'Item': 'Helmet'},
    'Away Locker Room': {'East': 'Pro Shop', 'South': 'Ice Rink'},
    'Pro Shop': {'West': 'Away Locker Room', 'Item': 'Villian'},
    'Mens Locker Room': {'West': 'Ice Rink', 'Item': 'Leg Pad 2'},
    'Lounge': {'West': 'Womens Locker Room', 'East': 'Skate Rentals', 'North': 'Ice Rink', 'Item': 'Blocker'},
    'Womens Locker Room': {'East': 'Lounge', 'Item': 'Leg Pad 1'},
    'Skate Rentals': {'West': 'Lounge', 'Item': 'Chest Armor'}
gameOn = True
inventory = []

#moves player from room to room
def move(player, direction):
    global rooms
    current_room = player 

    # check if there is a room in the specified direction
    if direction in rooms[current_room]:
        current_room = rooms[current_room][direction]

    # error handling
        print("There is nothing in that direction!")
        return player # Returning the same room if nothing Exists in the direction

    # return the player state
    return current_room # Indent Error

#displays rules at start of game 
def showRules():

    print("- Collect 6 items to win the game, or have to get clowned by the other goalie.\n" "Move commands: go South, go North, go East, go West.\n" "Add to Inventory: get 'item name'. Once all items collected type: ‘Finish’")

def main():
    player = "Front Lobby" 

    while gameOn:

        current_room = player

        # output
        print(f"\nYou are in the {current_room}")
        print('Inventory: ',  inventory)

        # Goalie got you
        if player == 'Pro Shop':
            print('You make more excuses than saves. GAME OVER')

        # input validation and parsing
        player_move = input("Enter your move:\n") 

        # invalid move syntax
        if 'go' in player_move or 'Finish' in player_move:
            # split string 
            action = player_move.split(' ')
            print(action)        # move 
            if action[0] == 'go':
                player = move(player, action[1]) # Assigning the value to player 
            elif action == 'Finish':
                if len(inventory) == 6:
                    print('Awesome! Now get on the ice! You Win.')
                    print('Keep collecting items')
            # invalid action
                print("Invalid command!")
        elif 'get' in player_move:
            action = player_move.split(' ')
            getItem(current_room, action[1])
            print('Invalid Command')

def getItem(player, item):
    current_room = player
    if item in rooms[current_room]:


updated the code 11:05 EST

Try to write your getItem function more like this:

def getItem(current_room, item):
    if item == rooms[current_room]["Item"]:

Explanation: in you original expression item in rooms[current_room] , rooms[current_room] points to a dictionary, so the x in dict expression will check if x is part of the key of that dictionary. But if I understand well, you are only interested by the "Item" part of that dict, and you have to make the comparison with the value and not with the key.

I ran it through my Python compiler and came up with a syntax error. You missed the second condition and action in your block in one of the last if/elif/else blocks in main() . I don't know much but I think the code might be this:

elif 'get' in player_move:
            action = player_move.split(' ')
            if action[1] == <second condition here>:  #The second condition was missed here
                <action> #The action was missed here

IDK about the code you want there.
I'm not completely sure but I think there is something wrong with the move() function. Try the other answer, adding this snippet to getItem() :

    if item == rooms[current_room]["Item"]:

If that doesn't work, then send me an email: shivernscorch@gmail.com and we can take it from there.

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