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Mark Diagnosis with a certain ICD-10 Code as main diagnosis

I would like to mark all diagnoses whose conceptId starts with "G35." as main diagnosis. How can I implement this?

d:Diagnosis{d.conceptId.startswith("G35.") -> MainDiagnosis}; 
d:Diagnosis{d.conceptId[0:3] == "G35." -> MainDiagnosis};

All the best Philipp

You could use REGEXP condition to match a pattern on the value of a feature (ie Diagnosis.conceptId). A solution in your case would be something like this:

d:Diagnosis{REGEXP(d.conceptId, "^G35.*") -> MainDiagnosis};

For more information on REGEXP Condition, feel free to consult the documentation

Another option would be to use StringFunctions; similar to what you tried to do in the first rule.

d:Diagnosis{startsWith(d.conceptId, "G35") -> MainDiagnosis};

However this requires you to activate an optional extension org.apache.uima.ruta.string.bool.BooleanOperationsExtension in your Ruta Analysis Engine by setting its parameter PARAM_ADDITIONAL_EXTENSIONS

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