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Remove element in array by its index - mongoose

I have a mongoose model that looks like this:

 Member: {
  memberId: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  customPlaylists: {
    type: Array,
    default: []

customPlaylist's array holds object that look like this:

{ name: 'playlist name', urls: [] } // urls array contains url strings

Is there a way using mongoose's updateOne method to remove a url from the urls array by its index in the array? (I use the member's ID in the filter object)

I'm not sure if there is a straight (1 query) way to do this. But you can try this

<collectionName>.update({}, {$unset : {"urls.<indexNumberHere>" : 1 }}) 
<collectionName>.update({}, {$pull : {"urls" : null}})

There was a ticket to implement this feature and the resolution was Won't Do

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