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How to get diff between tow queries in mongodb?

I have collection

    "_id" : "5c9a69ef42c82b0197a2ffb8", 
    "key" : "a",  
    "language" : "en", 
    "version" : "0.1", 
    "_id" : "5c9a69ef42c82b0197a2ffb8", 
    "key" : "b",  
    "language" : "en", 
    "version" : "0.1", 
    "_id" : "5c9a69ef42c82b0197a2ffb8", 
    "key" : "b",  
    "language" : "en", 
    "version" : "0.2", 
    "_id" : "5c9a69ef42c82b0197a2ffb8", 
    "key" : "c",  
    "language" : "en", 
    "version" : "0.2", 

so I have 2 queries that getting version 0.1 and version 0.2, And I need to find the difference between them?

I need to get all of translation 0.2 that does not exist in translation 0.1.

Here is a solution to get all translations key that has a 0.2 version but not a 0.1 version.

  • First I $sort the translations by versions.
  • Then with $group , I get all the versions for a given key .
  • $match remove all the key that have a version 0.1
  • $replaceRoot keep only the last version for a key
    "$sort": {
      "version": 1
    $group: {
      "_id": "$key",
      "items": {
        "$push": "$$ROOT"
    "$match": {
      "items.version": {
        "$ne": "0.1"
    "$replaceRoot": {
      "newRoot": {
        "$last": "$items"

try it here

If you remove the $match , you can also retrieve the last version available for each translation.

  • key a => version 0.1
  • key b => version 0.2
  • key c => version 0.2
    "$sort": {
      "version": 1
    "$group": {
      "_id": "$key",
      "items": {
        "$push": "$$ROOT"
    "$replaceRoot": {
      "newRoot": {
        "$last": "$items"

try it here

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