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How do you fetch a list of documents from a firestore collection

so there is a list named List<String> lectures = [lec0, lec3, lec8] , and All of the lectures are stored in a collection named lectures . How am I supposed to fetch only the given list of lectures?

Edit: I've created an implementation as follows:

List<String> lectureList = [lec0, lec3, lec8]
 CollectionReference get lectures => _db.collection('lectures');
 Future<QuerySnapshot> getLectures({required List<String> lectureList}) async {
    return await lectures
        // FIXME: Check if this works or not
                FieldPath.documentId) // I guess this is kinda incorrect

Is there a better way than this?

The client-side SDKs for Firestore have no API to get a set of documents by their ID. The closest you can get there is to combine up to 10 IDs in a single call by querying on FieldPath.documentId() and using the in operator.

I recently answered a similar question for Node, so I recommend checking that out too: Bulk way to determine of all paths, which one exists (Possibly in one API Call)

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